Social responsibility
In the life of Del Pierre Central Europe Ltd., beyond business development and profitability, it is also important to pay attention to the events occurring around it and to monitor global trends. The company aspires to set an example in several areas with the attitude of being open to its immediate surroundings and globally arising events. The company has been characterized by this awareness of responsibility since its establishment, and as a Hungarian company it feels that it has an obligation to support and stimulate the Hungarian economy. For this reason the company’s staff constantly searches for opportunities to involve Hungarian producers.
As a result of its profile the company strives to aid people in need with nonperishable food as much as it possible can. It has assisted flood victims with food donations, and it is a regular donor to the Lighthouse Foundation (Világítótorony Alapítvány), which provides assistance to socially disadvantaged people living under difficult conditions. It has also donated food several times to the Conductive School Public Benefit Foundation (Konduktív Iskoláért Közhasznú Alapítvány), and with the participation of its staff it has organized programs for the disabled children supported by the foundation.
Participation in various charitable activities constitutes an organic part of the company’s cooperation with its partners. A few years ago, in cooperation with Metro Kereskedelmi Ltd., it contributed nonperishable food to socially disadvantaged families. And jointly with CBA Kereskedelmi Ltd. it has aided on multiple occasions the needy in the program created by the “Every Child with a Full Stomach!” Foundation („Minden gyermek lakjon jól!” Alapítvány).
Those supported by the company also include the Pilisvörösvár Children’s Forest Foundation (Csepererdő Alapítvány), the Brave Children’s Camp Foundation (Bátor Tábor Alapítvány), Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Children’s Foundation (Szent Erzsébet Gyermekalapítvány), the Public Benefit Foundation for Smiles National Association (Országos Egyesület a Mosolyért Közhasznú Alapítvány), the Public Benefit Association for Better Rural Life (Jobb Vidéki Életért Közhasznú Egyesület), the English Language Theatre Public Benefit Foundation (Angol Nyelvű Színház Közhasznú Alapítvány), as well as the With Children for Nature Association (Gyermekekkel a Természetért Egyesület) and the Central Sport and Youth Sport Club (Központi Sport és Ifjúsági Sportegyesület).
In the framework of its CSR activity the company also performs sponsorships and organizes occasional community volunteer work for its employees.